Tuesday, November 18

Movie Reviews, Part 5

I haven't been watching hardly anything lately as I've been spending my time on other things, but here's a quick recap of the ones I have seen.

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The Disclaimer
Just because I've watched a movie or enjoyed it doesn't mean that it's for everyone. I don't like raunchy content in a movie and I use the websites, ScreenIt and Kids In Mind, frequently to find out what kind of content is in a movie before I watch it. BUT. Everyone's tolerance level of how much content you'll put up with if the movie's worth watching varies. With that in mind, when I say a movie is good, I'm saying that in an overall sense, and I'm saying that from my perspective. I'm not endorsing it, nor am I saying that the content that is in it is appropriate for all ages. I'd prefer the movie to be clean, but if it's overall worth watching and isn't overly raunchy, I'm able to look past a lot of it.

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Nights in Rodanthe
Me and Summer went to see this when it came out and I gotta say, I wasn't impressed. I don't knock romantic movies and enjoy a good one every chance I get. This wasn't one of those. I just thought it was too chick flicky and shallow.
2 of 5.

Body of Lies
The trailer didn't impress me but I saw it anyways knowing how good the Ridley Scott / Leonardo DiCaprio / Russell Crowe team was and expecting more than what the trailer did for me. Unfortunately, I was let down. It was one of those movies where it was well done and kept your attention but all of a sudden you start to approach the ending and you realize that it's going to suck. It had potential, it just didn't deliver. I was so psyched for a lot more than actually happened and the ending was kinda rushed. I wish I could rate it higher, but I can't...
2 of 5.

Harry & The Hendersons
This being a childhood favorite of Summer's, I had to see it! This is one of those that I feel bad about not having seen as it is one of those classics that many grew up watching over and over. I really enjoyed it all the way through. I was laughing out loud when he was watching TV. Haha, it cracks me up just to think about it!
4 of 5.

PS I Love You
For whatever reason, I had a weird vibe towards this movie. I don't know where I got it, but I was thinking it was overly sexual or just that it wasn't that good. Don't ask me where I got that. I'm super glad I watched it and it's one of those movies that I disagree with the Rotten Tomatoes rating, which is kinda rare. It's definitely a tearjerker, but I thought the whole premise was pretty cool and I'd watch it again. With a box of Kleenex handy... Wait, did I just say that?
4 of 5.

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
I hate to do it, but I'm going to end the reviews with yet another downer. This one especially disappointed me cos I was expecting a ton more out of it. I heard some excellent things about it and love Michael Cera, but man, it just annoyed me more than anything. Granted, watching a night of miscommunications and an unplanned and chaotic schedule is definitely going to annoy me, but even still, I just didn't see what the big deal with this was. I won't be watching it again to give it another chance.
2 of 5.

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